Feeling “Safe”

I had to start writing again and not bottle everything up inside. Today was the perfect day to start. It was a real nice sunny day in which I finally achieved my 10% weight loss in my Weight Watchers meeting and I got my very much anticipated and coveted 10% keychain my “safety blanket”. It will accompany me every step of the way even though I’m not really sure I’m going to use it as a keychain because I don’t want to open myself to everyone and the words “weight watchers” are printed on it.
(Maybe in my purse as a talisman)

But after so many months of trying, 10% is off and it’s still continuing to, very slowly but very steadily, come off, and I could not be happier. I am still the listener type in my meetings, I do not share a lot and I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it is what’s working for me.

One thing I heard is that Fitbit is going to be compatible with Weight Watchers soon which probably means that whatever many steps I take will be counted as activity points, but I’m not sure that will make a difference to me because I am motivated to walk anyway. Speaking of which, these days have been just wonderful to walk outside and since I am dog sitting this week it is a wonderful opportunity to go outside and just walk walk walk and enjoy the weather and give my walking indoors DVDs a break.

Happy spring everyone! (And raise my (water) glass to my next 10 pound goal!)

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