My Fitbit fiasco!!!

Yesterday I woke up and as always was trying to get my exercise done first thing in the morning because otherwise I get lazy during the day and then it won’t happen or only with a lot of extra effort. So by the time it was 10 o’clock I already had clocked in 8000 steps on my Fitbit.
At night I was invited to a party, but otherwise wasn’t feeling very well during the day so I spent long hours laying down and by the time I had to leave I only had 1,000 steps more. Needless to say I went to the party and spent a lot of time sitting down (eating of course) and didn’t walk much. By the time the party people started getting into the mood of dancing I looked at my Fitbit and it had already turned 12 o’clock so I couldn’t see how many steps I did that day! (This made me really anxious because there was a chance that it was under 10,000) I came home and immediately synchronized Fitbit and what I saw made me want to cry. In six weeks of nonstop 10,000 I reached only 9,602 steps for the first time. I cannot start to explain the horrible feeling I got and I can’t undo it. (398 steps short: that is 4 minutes walking or dancing to one single song)

I don’t know why and even though no one can see this but me, it still makes a “hole” in my whole idea to never go to bed with at least 10,000. I need to add that dancing that night gave me 6000+steps before 2 o’clock and still this didn’t serve as consolation for me.

Even though today will be a very successful day given my 6000 steps before I even woke up, my chart isn’t uniform anymore and my distress is big (insert sad face and violin music here)

This can never happen again and that is another reason why I love my Fitbit! It brings an ambition and a drive I never knew I had.

Here’s to a future of 10,000 or more and NEVER less!

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